Help Launch Support Our Students

Why Become A Partner

We are looking to add some “Launch Partners” to our ministry - individuals, families, or businesses who would be willing to donate continually to help with the cost of our events. This would allow us to aim higher, dream bigger, and reach further, while keeping costs down for our students and churches. In return, we would provide you with regular updates on events and decisions, and thank your family or business publicly at our events if you would like us to. We are just making the opportunity available to people we believe would be willing to regularly invest in this ministry.

Donate Here

By Clicking “Become A Partner”, you can setup online giving. We aren’t setting up levels or tiers of donations, and we aren’t asking for a minimum gift or commitment. (“Each one should give what he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” -II Cor 9.7)

Other Ways To Give

You can also send in your donation through mail, or in person, to the SNBA office. Send or bring your donation and designate the funds for Launch Ministries*.


Spread The Word

Tell your friends and family or other businesses how to become a partner too. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate for the students you care so much for. Partnering with us allows those who can help us, make an impact for Jesus in students lives.